Beating the odds, one step at a time.

Our Supporters

Thank You, 2018 Golf Outing Sponsors!

A special thank you to our growing list of 2018 sponsors!  Your financial contributions and donations to our silent and live auctions are greatly appreciated.  We can't thank you enough for your support!  Without you, this event would not be possible and Kali's Cure would not be able to help those currently suffering from spinal cord injuries while we wait for and are part of the cure!  We are still accepting donations of all kinds and would greatly appreciate anything you can do to help.  Volunteers are also greatly appreciated.  If you are willing to donate or volunteer now, or on the day of the event, please contact  *Please note, all donor and sponsor lists are works in progress.  We are grateful for your support and do our best to keep up to date, however, we are an all-volunteer organization which causes occasional delays...especially as the event nears!  Thank you for your understanding!


GOLD SPONSOR- $20,000+
Allegis Group Foundation
Bruce and Mary Ann Becker
Dunmaglas-Mike and Alice Pung, Mike Pung Jr. 
Exhibit Pro-Ed and Lori Miller
East West Foundation- Gary and Addie Fenchuk
John and Cleo Leppien
Cannon Truck Equipment- John and Karley Morgan
Financial Concepts- Pat and Caroline McNamara
Jonathan and Sheri Boos
Lippert Components
Bandit Industries
Commercial Bank
Craig Frames
Hank and Bonnie Graff
Jeff and Teri Barker
Jim and Naomi Stark
Mike and Dianne Morey
Mike and Kathy Bierlein
The Mike Young Family
Benchley Chiropractic Clinic
Bud and Virginia Fisher
Colors of Heroes
Dan and Carol Nester
Doug and Missy LaBelle
Fabiano Brothers
Gail and Gary Knutsen
Jerry and Diane Sprague
Graff Chevrolet Mt. Pleasant-Jim and Lynnette Messick
John and Jeiselle Ortisi
Matt and Nicole Lester
Mike and Nancy Robinson
Pleasant Graphics-Doug and Daun Neff
Shirley Ortisi
Alan and Wanda Jones
Bill and Tincy Goggin
Bob Fenchuk
De Saegher Dairy
Frank and Sandy Shoener
Joe and Nancy Olivieri
Tom and Libby Eisele
Anne and Van Varner
Barry and Sue Wiggins
Bart and Kathleen Arrigo
Bill, Diane and Anne Ryckbost
Kevin and Annette Collison
Ray and Linda Barowicz
Sandra Dauch
St. Mary School
Steve, Polly, Anne and Lindsey Fortino
Tim and Jennifer Toohey
Aftan Gibson
Bob Carrigan
Caravan Facilities Management
Fisher-Gentry Eye Care
James and Susan Wheeler
John and Janice Marshall
Lindsay Terifay
Mary Lu Yardley
Meghan O'Keef and Andreas
Mike Kostrzewa
Muscle Mechanix- Mary Knight
Neil and Joan Green
Nichols Financial Group
Pat and Paul Gruca
Pat and Terry DeWinter
Randy and Melanie Lewis
Sharon Johnson 
Terry's Place Staff
The Gunns Family
The Stafford Family
Annie and Zac Winkler
Arnie's Arts 'N' Crafts, Houghton Lake
Brad and Jaime Dancer
Benchley Chiropractic Clinic
Bruce and Mary Ann Becker
Congressman John Moolenaar
Creative Designs by CJ LaGrow
Dan Gilbert
Doug and Marcha Lippert
Ellie and Kim Newson
Fabiano Brothers
Fisher Gentry Eye Care
Frank and Karen Beckmann
Frank's Girls
Friends of Kali's Cure
Jarod and Andrea Lippert
Jeff and Suzie Schreur
Jim and Kathy Grace
John and Bea Cremin
John and Debra Schmid
John and Heidi McDaid
John and Karley Morgan
Julie and Tony Smith
Kalamazoo Country Club
Larry and Joanne DeVuyst
Life Beyond Barriers Rehab
Lippert Components
Michael Grace
Michele Green
Muscle Mechanix- Mary Knight
Patrick Pung
Paul and Beth Lux
Rich Hohman-PGA West
Senator Tona Schuitmaker
Simply Polish Pottery-Garden City, MI
The Beckers
The O'Keefe Family
The Trophy Case-Mike and Nancy Piehl
Willow Gott
Wine Emporium and Market, Boyne City


Paralysis Support Sponsors

We'd like to thank our 2017 Event Sponsors for their generosity and commitment to being a part of the cure of paralysis and spinal cord injuries.  This page is being updated frequently so, there are countless contributors who have been part of this great event whose name will appear soon!  We'd also like to thank all of the dedicated volunteers who have been working countless hours behind the scenes to help pull off this special anniversary event!   We would like to apologize in advance if someone’s name was inadvertently missed on the list.  We assure you, we couldn’t be more grateful for everyone’s support and ask you to please bring to our attention any oversight so it can be immediately fixed. 


Bruce and Mary Ann Becker
Dunmaglas-Mike and Alice Pung, Mike Pung Jr. 
ExhibitPro-Ed and Lori Miller
Al and Deb Kommel
Dr. Jeff and Kathy Smith and Family
Jim and Patti Anderson and Family
John and Cleo Leppien
Cannon Truck Equipment- John and Karley Morgan
Detroit Auto Dealers Charity Preview
Financial Concepts-Pat and Carolyn McNamara
Lippert Components
Michelle and Chuck Becker
Mike and Anita Gross
Bandit Industries
Bierlein Industries- Mike and Kathy Beirlein
Commercial Bank
Crockey and Kathryn Peterson
Jeff and Teri Barker
Jim and Naomi Stark
John and Kathy Kennedy
Nicole and Matt Lester
The Lippert/Dancer  Family
Waste Free
Young Family Auto Dealer's
Alan and Wanda Jones
Bryon and Ruby Benchley
Colors of Heroes
Doug and Missy LaBelle
Fabiano Foundation
Gary and Gail Knutsen
Jerry and Diane Sprague
John and Jeiselle Ortisi
Lux Funeral Homes
Michael and Nancy Robinson
Pat O'Brien and Associates
Pleasant Graphics
Russ and Chris Otterbine
Sam and Shirley Ortisi
Technical Air Products
Tom and Carol Porter
Tony and Julie Smith
W. Sidney & Judith F. Smith
Craig Frames
De Saegher Dairy
Flynn Family
Frank and Sandra Shoener
Joe and Nancy Olivieri
John and Linda Barkman
Modern Machine Co
Rich and Barb Resler
Seeley Auto Sales
Tincy and Bill Goggin
Tom and Libby Eisele
Anne and Van Varner
Bill, Diane, Anne Ryckbost and Nate Locker
Bob and Carla Giddings
Bud Fisher
Cynthia and Bill Schuette
Dan and Anne Raleigh
Jay and Kris Balasz
Jay and Laura Laffoon 
Jim and Sharon Navarre
Jim Goodrich
Kevin and Annette Collison
Mid-Michigan Agency
Sandy Dauch
St. Mary School
The Gunns Family
Wade Varner
Anthony Koterba
Barry and Sue Wiggins
Caravan Facilities Management
Dick and Mary Grace
Jack and Lucy Arnold
James and Susan Wheeler
Jim and Vicki Richardson
John and Joan Marshall
Marc and Kris Fisher
Mike Kostrzewa
Muscle Mechanix
Neil and Joan Green
Nichols Financial
Pat and Paul Gruca
Rettell Family
Rob and Sue Harison
Robert Carrigan
Sharon Johnson
Terry's Place
The Gormans
The Jewett Family
The Stafford Family
Anne Eisele and Nick Gonzales
Ed and Shannon Vasicek
Ellie and Kim Newson
Mary Lu Yardley
Stephen Chase, MD
Susan Zeilbeck
Alma True Value Hardware
Amy Gott
Angela DiBartolomeo
Anne M. Szilagyi 
Arnie's Arts 'N' Crafts
Boyne Country Provisions
Brice and Brett Eldredge
Bruce and Mary Ann Becker
Carol LaGrow
Christine Alexander
Craig Frames
Doug and Marcha Lippert
Fabiano Brothers
Fisher-Gentry Eye Care
Frank and Karen Beckmann
Gay Pung
Graff Chevrolet Mt. Pleasant
Hank Graff, Jim Messick, and Dan Pohl
J. Phillip's
J.W. Shorter's
Jaime and Brad Dancer
Jarod and Andrea Lippert
Jeff and Patrice Smith
John and Bea Cremin
John and Heidi McDaid
John and Karley Morgan
Kathy and Jim Grace
La Quinta Resort and Club & PGA West
Larry and Joanne DeVuyst
Marc and Tia Pung
Mary Knight--Muscle Mechanix
Michael Richard Floral Boutique
Michele Green
Mike Pung 
Nancy Shirey
Nate Spang
Notre Dame Athletics
RADM Tom and Carol Porter
Retail Sports Management
Rich Hohman
The Lux Family
The O'Keefe Family
The Quiet Moose
Tom Gorman
Tracie Rettell
U.S. Representative John Moolenaar